Mrs. Biel & Mrs. Frost's Second Grade Class

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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Super Hero Word Hunt

Super Hero Word Search!

We were studying r-controlled vowel sounds, and in order to spice things up we decided to have a supER Hero Word SEARCH.  The kids couldn't have had more fun, and neither could we!  We posted er, ir, ur and ear words all over the building and told the kids it was our job to find all of them.  We also emphasized that super heroes are super quiet when they are completing their missions!

Of course we had to dress the part!  Mrs. Biel found our super hero capes at Target for $1 each in the dollar bins.  They were a great addition to our theme...

Each student took a turn reading the words as we found them and then we all recorded the words on our recording sheets.  

It's always nice to get out of the classroom and explore, it definitely beats sitting at their desks all day!  What kinds of things do you do with your class to get them up and moving?


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