Mrs. Biel & Mrs. Frost's Second Grade Class

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Monday, September 3, 2012

So long summer....

After a rainy Labor Day weekend, summer is officially over!  Last week we finished putting our classroom back together again, and we are trying to think about what we will do differently this school year. 
One change we are thinking about is creating more open space in our room.  We love little nooks and learning spaces, but we also want to have plenty of open space for groups of children to work together.  We are big fans of using centers to reinforce the skills we are learning each week, and these require more space for everyone to spread out.  This gives the students the opportunity to move around and work with other kids in the class.
We will also begin to incorporate The Daily Five into our classroom.  It is a structure that helps students develop the daily habits of reading, writing, and working independently.   The goal is to enhance the students' ability to monitor their own comprehension while allowing them to have choice and ownership over their learning. 
Here are some skills we will be working on this year…

The students will learn to choose books on their level, check for understanding as they read and begin reading independently for longer amounts of time.  In order to make sure the students are not out of their seats 5,000 times throughout the day, they will each have their own book bins (with books on their level) within reach.  We are thinking of allowing them to have time on Fridays to select the books for their bins each week, this will give them the ability to choose books based on their interest. 
To help them decide which Daily Five activity they would like to choose, we will have their choices displayed where they can see them.  Maybe something like this?

It will be interesting to see how the students handle having so much independence in their learning as the year goes on!  We will, of course, be modeling, modeling, modeling to show them appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, reading comprehension and writing strategies. I’m sure there will be a lot of trial and error (on both our parts) but hopefully a lot of laughs and success stories as well!

As we continue cleaning and remodeling, I'm sure we will have more to add! What changes do you plan to make this year? Do you have advice for those who are just getting started?


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