Mrs. Biel & Mrs. Frost's Second Grade Class

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fire Safety Month

October is Fire Prevention Month.  Every year the local fire department comes and teaches the students fire prevention and fire safety.  They also bring some of their firemen/women, fire trucks and equipment to our school for a demonstration.  This year we were extra lucky because our student, Paul's dad volunteers at the Scullville Fire Co. and he came to do the presentation!  Paul helped his dad by showing students how to stop, drop and roll, crawl through smoke and test a door to make sure it's not too hot to touch!  He did such a good job of demonstrating in front of all those people!  He even had his very own fireman uniform with his name on the back.  The students got to see what firemen look like with all of their equipment on (which inevitably scares quite a few kids every year!), see the fire truck spray water out of it's hose, just like it would if there was a real fire and they also got a tour of the fire truck.  We really appreciate the fire department taking the time to present at our school.  They do such a great job!  Here are some pictures from our Fire Safety Assembly...


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