Mrs. Biel & Mrs. Frost's Second Grade Class

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Good Times with Graphing!

We just recently finished up our graphing unit.  We learned about tally charts, surveys, bar graphs, and picture graphs.  The students learn to collect data using surveys and use their data to make different types of graphs.  This is always a really fun chapter, not just for the students but for us too!  We take surveys on different topics and have students create tally charts using the collected data.  We used questions like, "Which sport is your favorite?"  "What is your favorite dessert?"  "Which TV show do you like the most?" etc....
After we learn about tally charts we move onto graphing.  We model using data to complete graphs, we practice labeling our graphs and using a "key" to complete and answer picture graphs.  Our centers for this unit involve food of course!  We have the students create different types of graphs using M&M's, Skittles, Lucky Charms, colored Goldfish, Fruit Loops and crayons (our one non-food center) and answer questions using the graphs.  Here are some pictures of the students at work!...

Here is Mr. John helping the students sort and graph their crayons...

 The easiest thing to do is buy the individual bags of M&M's and Skittles and pre-bag all the other items.  Make sure that you don't give them too many or it will take them all day, we learned from experience! We strategically pick out the marshmallows from the Lucky Charms, they are small so there are always more there than you think!  We had so much fun working on this chapter and the students always love working with something edible!  Do you have any fun graphing activities to share with us?  We would love to hear them!


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