Mrs. Biel & Mrs. Frost's Second Grade Class

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
Unfortunately, we had to celebrate Halloween a little later than usual this year because of Hurricane Sandy.  It definitely did not take away from the fun or the creative costumes!  The rain held out just long enough for us to have our annual parade outside on the field.  Here are some of student and teacher costumes this year....

Dr. Biel and Dr. Frost

Mrs. Laut and Mrs. Cortellessa were nerds.  Mrs. Laut modeled her costume for us... 
Cute, right?

Mrs. Carty was a gnome on a mushroom (it wouldn't be complete without her Wawa coffee of course!).  She always has the most creative costumes! 

Our class party was so much fun thanks to our "Room Mom" and a few parent volunteers.  We had some great food and the students had a great time decorating their cookies with icing, sprinkles, and candy!  It's so nice when you have such a nice, helpful group of parents to help your parties/celebrations run smoothly.  Holidays and celebrations can be somewhat of a hectic day for teachers, so we really can't begin to tell you how nice it makes things to have such a great group of helpful parents/grandparents!

Here is one of our students (or should I say pirates?) posing with her cute pumpkin cookie...

Mrs. Biel read aloud "Froggy's Halloween" to settle the students down after all the fun (and of course we love anything about frogs because we have a frog for a class pet :) !  We had such a fun day!  What was the most creative costume you saw this year?


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