Mrs. Biel & Mrs. Frost's Second Grade Class

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Monday, November 19, 2012

It's a Pirate's Life for Us!

Last week we learned the /ar/ sound, and we obviously couldn't resist using the pirate theme to spice things up!   We started off reading about Pirate Mark and his love of chocolate bars.  Unfortunately, we can't take credit for this, we found this adorable little story on Teachers Pay Teachers (we can't get enough of Babbling Abby, she's got such great ideas and activities).  Here is a link to some of her resources...

Our student teacher showed the students our big treasure map and explained that their job was to find all the "ar" words hidden throughout the school.  If they found all of the words there would be a treasure waiting for them at the end.  That was all they needed to hear, they couldn't wait to start so we put our on our eye patches and got on our way!  

There was a cute treasure box waiting at the end but we forgot to take a picture!  I guess all of the excitement got the best of us! :)


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